About Us
I am Abigail Mokgathi, the founder of Mokgathi Stones and based in South Africa. I am currently working in the pharmaceutical industry, as a Regulatory Affairs Scientist. My current success also includes being part of One Young World (OYW), a social change platform for young leaders all around the world with the aim of influencing and changing the world. At Mokgathi Stones, I help women align who they really are with who they show up as through the healing properties of healing stones. These women assume that being unwell is linked with their lifestyles, when in reality it is because of a lack of spiritual grounding. My core values, which Mokgathi Stones was established on include trust, transparency, spirituality, creativity, harmony and vitality.
My Story
It was in the year 2017 when I felt purposeless – having a diminishing connection to why I was in a certain career, belief system, and other important aspects in life. I have also started having physical signs of someone who is losing a sense of vitality, such as chronic fatigue, weight gain and developed food intolerances – such as gluten. I was living hopelessly on a daily basis, with no idea of what I was going through, as there was no medical intervention that could solve the problem. I simply could not get fulfilment like I used to before, until everything eventually crashed down, to a point where I had to question why I connect with my ambitions, values and belief system, including the manner in which I connect to my family, belief system, the environment and my expectations. The main thought or question that kept on lingering was, ‘Have I been using my healthy lifestyle and belief system to mask the lack of vitality that I’m experiencing?’ Thus, bypassing the feeling without confronting the root cause of my unhappiness or unfulfillment?
The Aha moment happened when I was sitting in the church arena, listening to the sermon. I normally chant and listen with so much enthusiasm, but on that day, I sat still and listened attentively. And I realized that I always listen and get take away message, however, I haven’t been feeling connected spiritually. I only felt connection during praise and worship, but the moment the band goes quiet, my senses also go off and I default to autopilot and chant like everyone else. I then went on a soul-searching journey, and I was naturally drawn crystals and the concept behind them – having a small glistening stone in one’s hand, which carries the power alter your mood, aura, environment, and most importantly, to be grounded by the rawness of the earth (Mother Africa).